

日本 地產

因為以前有做過地產的工作,所以現在找起來工作來,還不算是很難,但是我現在也有些迷茫,因為我不知道要去什麼樣的地產公司上班才好,後來我的一個朋友說是讓我到他的公司裏面去上班,他是在一家日本 地產公司工作,這些年在這個日本 地產公司裏面做的還是很不錯的,而且這個日本 地產公司很少招人的,現在朋友說是可以通過內部介紹讓我進去,聽到朋友這麼說,我也有些心動了,所以我打算準備一下,去這個日本 地產公司裏面工作,我相信以我自己的能力一定會幹的很不錯的。


前段時間我們公司接到了一個新項目的試單,就是做金屬密封控制閥,而且這個金屬密封控制閥的項目工程量可是非常的大了,不過要求也是非常的嚴格的,所以好次做的時候我們都非常的細心,我也知道的,可是試單通過的話,可就是意味著我們就要接到一個大的工程了。 沒想到這才把做品交上去兩天的時間,客戶就有反饋了,我們的試單合格通過了,我們就可以大量的開始生產金屬密封控制閥了,聽到這樣的消息真的太高興了。不過這我們一定會認真的完成這次的任務。

best antivirus for PC

Since the last time my friend came to my computer with a antivirus for PC best, now the computer used to react faster, and the speed is very fast. Although every day at work, I use the computer, but if computer a nothing wrong, I helpless don’t know why do, my computer have to buy a few years of time is always good, but some time ago special card, I want to hold out to repair my of, just the day meet friends, he give me the computer installed a best antivirus for PC, and then the virus just fine, so this time I every day with best antivirus for PC to a computer virus, so now it a special rod.


說起這個外賣,我想只有公司的小劉知道了,也最了解了。因為吧,作為年輕人,不喜歡做飯,作為男生來說,也就不喜歡做飯,那怎麽辦呢?所以,最好的辦法就是選擇叫外賣了,並且,現在叫外賣是件很平常的事情了。所以吧,只要我們不想下去吃飯了,就會給小劉打電話的,小劉有次給我們叫了壹個pizza外送的,覺得挺不錯的,味道也挺好的。並且,自從吃過了這個 pizza外送的東西,我們還真的找不到更好吃的。因為,他們家的口味很特別,也很好吃。並且吧,這個 pizza外送的速度挺快的。只要妳叫了,他就會很快到的。

graphic design

What? Daddy to learn design graphic? Listen to the elder sister said dad wants us to teach him the graphic design news, I was very surprised, how I feel like my dad said ah, in my heart, my dad is a conservative person, how will think graphic design, I really think impassability, but when I home dad sat in the computer next to dad, what time to play computer games now, and playing the game, my day, the first time I saw dad so advanced, in memory of my father are not willing to take the mobile phone even more, playing alone, now playing the game, but also to learn graphic design I believe, because everything, see now I had to believe my father is really want to learn graphic design, so my sister and I prepared for Dad to learn graphic design teaching courses, let dad slowly accepted learning graphic design.





Taipei hotel near mrt

From Taipei to the rest of the day I and friends to go out at night to drink because time is too late, I don’t want to bother to go back home for a hotel to live, tomorrow morning to go to work like this will not too hard too tired, we find for a long time did not find a suitable, I suddenly think of it there is a hotel near the MRT subway station very close, I if you live in Taipei Hotel near the MRT tomorrow can go directly to take the subway to work, and take the subway is particularly convenient out of the side of the subway is just out of our company is particularly close to it, a thought of here I stayed with friends to Taipei Hotel near the MRT booked two house.

hong kong website design

During this time the company is not particularly busy, so I looked at our company’s website, I found information on the company’s website above is not the whole lot. So these days, I was thinking to find a web design company to help us re-do a website, but now I do not know, which company that has done a little better, so I checked on the Internet, I was going to see a hong kong website design all of the evaluation is very high, but I also see a bit of that hong kong website design their company’s website, their company’s website design is very good, I really do not lose out to design the company’s own design, each the details are in place very carefully, so now I want our website to hong kong website design and let them help us also to redesign it.