

tokyo hotel

這次去東京我是受我朋友的邀請去參加他公司開業的典禮的,每年我都會去幾次東京,每次都是我朋友招待我,我也不習慣住酒店就住在我朋友家裏。結果這次去東京我女朋友也要去,我朋友得知我女朋友也要去高興的不得了,因為我朋友還沒見過我女朋友呢。我們到了東京之後我朋友已經把tokyo hotel都給我們安排好了。這也是我多次來東京之中第一次住tokyo hotel,雖然我不習慣住酒店,但是住進了tokyo hotel之後就是感覺和我之前住過的那些酒店不一樣

adobe course singapore

老婆這倆天又沒在家,老婆真是一天比我都忙。我前倆天剛出差回來,老婆就告訴我她又要出差去了,老婆說有一個(adobe course singapore)所以要去新加坡,過幾天才能回來。不知道的人還以 為我們小倆口鬧彆扭互相躲著對方呢。我走了老婆回來了,我回來了老婆又走了。本來這次我不想讓老婆去的,但是老婆說這個(adobe course singapore)對她很重要,所以必須要去。既然老婆這 麼說了那我也就不好在強硬挽留了,只希望老婆參加完(adobe course singapore)早點回來。

Trend Micro

Sister say their company has recently developed a Trend Micro in overtime, I did not know this Trend Micro is doing it, but to see my sister so busy lately, I have embarrassed him detailed questions, thinking quickly let him go home good sleep and I paused, wanted to let my sister drove us out for a drive it, but one can see this situation, I decided to bring my own motorcycle sister slipped out lap have to, because the two of usI will not drive, so my sister will obediently with me riding a motorcycle out to play, the results we were also very happy fun of it, and so we have seen the sister came back to the company to work overtime.

Triple offset butterfly valve

Dad said let me go home the way when passing a hardware store, and then to the family to buy a Triple offset butterfly valve, I was still psychological whispered it, my dad have to do this, I thought my dad was amazing to me our family to sell it, but I put my father to explain things well after, the Triple offset butterfly valve to take home, I realized that my father had let me give our house a neighbor Wang grandfather incidentally, because the legs are not grandpa too convenient, and his children and all the outside work, rarely come back, so I Triple offset butterfly valve directly next door to the home of the grandfather. Beating he quickly use ah!



fashion course singapore

朋友說想去學習(fashion course singapore),我一開始還以為她抽什麼瘋了,後來她一本正經的跟我講了半天,我覺得這次她一定是下定決心要去學(fashion course singapore)了,因為平時她就對一些穿衣搭配的東西很感興趣,所以也比較會收拾自己,沒想到她真的會為了這個東西去專門學一下,所以也算是勇氣可嘉,我也應該好好支持她一下才行。(fashion course singapore)是很好的一個課程,很多人都在這邊上課,所以我想她肯定也是沒有問題的,到時候說不定能成為一個不錯的設計師。

LED vintage Edison light bulbs

這個(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)還真的是很不錯呢,今天我也是和朋友一起出來玩呢,就以現這里人很多,也就過來看看了,沒想到這里在展示這個(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)呢,還真的是挺好看的,我也很喜歡呢,就想也買一個(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)回家呢,因為我知道爸爸也是很喜歡這種(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)的,我就在那里看了一會就最后還是買了一個,回家之后就把那個(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)拿給了爸爸,爸爸特別的開心呢,說是他很喜歡這個(LED vintage Edison light bulbs)的,我送給他還真的是很開心的,都還真的愛不釋手呢。

industrial LED edisonlight bulb

家里的那個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)給不小心被孩子給弄壞了,因為那個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)就在我們的床頭那里放著的,也不知道小寶在那里拿什麽去了,就給弄壞了呢,我還的趕緊找個時間去買新的這個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)呢,因為晚上我平時也喜歡看會書然後在睡覺的,所以也不能沒有這個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)的,我就想起老公不是一會就下班了嗎,我就讓他給我帶回來就好了,我就給老公說了一下讓他回來的時候買一個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)呢,等他回來了就給我安裝好了這個(industrial LED edisonlight bulb)呢,我也讓小寶以后不要碰這個。

Taipei ximending boutique hotel

Last time I was going to go to Taiwan living in Taipei ximending boutique hotel inside it, but I met a good friend relations, especially to Taiwan, he learned that I was on a business trip to Taiwan, I took my life and death live in their homes inside it, I really can not stand my friend so enthusiastic invitation had to put me in Taipei ximending boutique hotel inside the house and returned to it, hey, I was sad that ah, I managed to book a Taipei ximending boutique hotel suites of it, did not think about it I do not live, so to back it, really feel particularly unhappy, but then think I can be free to live in a friend’s house but also eat inside he gave me food and I feel instantly happy.