日本 高級住宅大樓

上周五下班回家的時候經過一個中介公司的門口看到了一個日本 高級住宅大樓出售的信息,看到這個信息的時候,我還站在哪看了一會呢,因為這個日本 高級住宅大樓我也是知道的,前不久的時候我還和老婆我們一起去看過房子呢,而這個中介介紹的是這個日本 高級住宅大樓出售,而且這個戶型我也很喜歡的,上次和老婆去日本 高級住宅大樓就是因為這種的戶型沒有了,所以我們沒有買,現在剛好這有一個日本 高級住宅大樓戶型出售,所以我就去看了一下,也諮詢過了。所以我就和老婆再商量一下,看這個日本 高級住宅大樓的房子我們要不要買。

tokyo real estate

I have copy of this part of doing business for many years, a few days ago when a friend came to me is to want to let he and I we go to Tokyo real estate, these days I have thought about this a few days to real estate on the one hand, is the future development is also very good, I just don’t understand the real estate. But I know a friend in the past few years, has been on the property of a class of business, and I know that in recent years the development of he is also very good, now referred to the Tokyo real estate, but I still want to try, although I am on this Tokyo real estate don’t understand, but I want to have friends in should be no problem.

laser printer

Afternoon to go over to a friend typing club play, friends told me that she was typing agency inside the printer is said she is going to shopping malls inside buy printer is also said the spend a large sum of expenses tomorrow, listening to friends talk about things I said her money if it’s not enough. I can lend her a part of thefriends, listen to my story that she planned to buy laser printer said that laser printer quality is especially good, said thepurchase expensive point can also be used for a long time, saidshe is typing agency before the printer are bought second-hand,listening to friends talk about things I said tomorrow I willaccompany her to the mall to buy printed inside, friends heard me say that they have promised.

日本 Pocket wifi

這次去日本出差我就發現了日本 Pocket wifi就覺得挺不錯的,我回來的時候就買了一個日本 Pocket wifi沒有想到一路上網速都挺不錯的。覺得這個東西還真好用,讓我在路上就可以上網而且也能隨時聯繫朋友跟家人真是太方便了。以后出差的路上我就不怕不能上網了,在出差的路上我就可以看到自己想看的電視劇也可以了解到最新的新聞事件真的是太好了,覺得發明日本 Pocket wifi東西這個人一定非常的聰明,感覺現在的科技也是越來越發達了。以后肯定會有更加新奇的東西出來的。

台湾 凤梨酥

发小王丽从台湾回来了,今天我就去了王丽家里,见到王丽的时候我真不敢相信没有想到王丽的变化可真是大啊,王丽告诉我说是她现在在台湾工作了,说是她这次回家是请假回来的,说是这次回来下次就有可能很常一段时间才回来的,之后王丽就让我品尝了台湾 凤梨酥觉得挺好吃的,王丽就告诉我说是这个台湾 凤梨酥是台湾有名的甜点,听到王丽那样讲我就说怪不得那么好吃,王丽听到我那样讲就说我要是喜欢吃这个台湾 凤梨酥的话她以后回来的时候会给我带的。



Ximending accommodation

A friend told me that she was going to Taiwan for a business trip I asked friends her hotel arrangement is not good, friends told me that they company has arranged at Ximending accommodation, said their company employees on a business trip will help arrange the hotel, heard friends say I did say their company very good treatment, friends heard me say that she just before the Ximending accommodation had said that the hotel is quite good, hear my friends say that I said the hotel can be a good travel, also can have a good rest, friends heard that kind of talk when I said she went to Taiwan on a business trip back when times also buy her fancy in a shop inside a bag.

kyoto hotel

Since people have come to Tokyo, and it might as well live in kyoto hotel, so why do it in the evening and then back Kanagawa, Kanagawa Say it is not far from here, there is now no trams, and if a taxi back the words will be expensive and not as good as in the kyoto hotel for one night, the next day and then to tokyo’s bustling markets around, because my parents rarely taking a trip, this time to be here in tokyo along with me or I strongly urge the , so in my parents also had arranged her first live kyoto hotel experience, and so woke up the next morning, when my parents gave me a hotel here better than our home environment is many times yet.



