

hualien attractions

A foreign friend let me take him to Hualien attractions around it, so I also promised him, because at that time when I was overseas he was free to be my tour guide. I can have the opportunity to let him have a good visit in Hualian where I was born today, it is my honor, say Hualien attractions there are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, very popular with foreign school welcome it, and in the evening authentic Hualian snacks are also spread across each high streets and back lanes, sometimes with my friends there snacks taste also like it, so he must like eating! Think of here, I began to plan our Hualien attractions tour. After all, time is pressing, so I arranged beforehand is better.


太開心了,自從自己做了一個拉皮以后,每次出門碰到熟人的時候,他們都會說我年輕了好多,現在我自己要是去鏡子 的話我都會特別的開心,因為看到自己又變年了心里當然是滿滿的開心了,可能是因為前幾年工作也辛苦了,自己臉上的皺紋特別的多,前不久的時候每次看到自己臉上的那些皺紋我自己的心情都特別的糟糕的,在家里的時候看到什麽心里都不開心,就那會時候的老公還有孩子們都以為我是更年期到了,後來我在電視上看到的拉皮的廣告,那會我就特別的想給自己去做拉皮所以我就去了。



Taiwan Taipei hotel

The whole family together to play out live must arrange well, fortunately, my husband has been particularly thoughtful and capable, he early in the evening to see the hotel, pack up when the husband let me see the Taiwan Taipei Hotel, I feel very good, the hotel service has always been very thoughtful, and look at the evaluation is also very high, husband Taiwan Taipei hotel in a room, I told her husband usually are rare in work, this year I told him is not very busy, so just leave, going to take the whole family to go out to play, my son said he had wanted to go to Taipei, I think Taipei is also good ah, and so son of love, finally we agreed to go to Taipei tourism, will start tomorrow, this evening we must put all things right.




這些天男朋友一直都在忙著給我們裝修房子,因為我們打算過年的時候就要結婚了,現在裝修的房子也正就是我們的婚房了,前些天我還和男朋友商量過的我們裝修房子的時候把家里的地板全部裝修成木地板,就和閨蜜家里的那種木地板一樣,經常的去閨蜜家玩的,前不久她們家已經裝修好了,我也去過好多次了,裝修的非常的漂亮 ,而我最看中最喜歡的就是她們家裝的那些木地板了,感覺非常的高端大氣上檔次,所以我就一直在想等我們房子要裝修的時候我們也要用這種的木地板





Ximending luxury hotel

I came to the West Gate District to visit my cousin, because we have not seen each other for years, this was because my sister had things to do at home, my cousin because of physical discomfort, these a few years of frequent hospitalization, I this when sister should have a look to her but because of taking into account the cousin’s physical condition, so after I came to here, everything settled down just called my cousin, they were going home to visit her, my cousin asked me where I live, I will give her that I lived in Ximending luxury hotel, Ximending luxury hotel environment is quite good, because my breakfast is also in the Ximending luxury hotel to eat, the taste is very good, but I most like to drink Soybean Milk. I’m happy with it.