


芋頭酥,愛意的傳遞,回憶起曾經,我們吃奶奶親手做的芋頭酥,她用厚大的雙手,將 她對我們的愛融入在復雜的制作程序中,慈祥的面容永遠是那麽的和藹可親,說過的話永遠在我的耳邊回向,奶奶永遠愛妳,不會忘掉妳對我的愛!如今,我們長大了,奶奶做的芋頭酥的味道再也沒有吃到過,好懷念奶奶做的芋頭酥,而現在賣的芋頭酥,也沒有了奶奶做的那種味道了,當有些人遠去的時候,我們要學會回憶,記得她的好,壹切的壹切都是美好的!芋頭酥就是我對奶奶的思念。

台北 鳳梨酥

前幾天放假回來朋友給我帶了好多的台北 鳳梨酥,說是自己和男朋友一起去台北了,因為他的男朋友家就是台北的,這次可以說是去見家長了,回來的時候帶了好多的特產,台北 鳳梨酥也就是其中的一個,朋友剛把台北 鳳梨酥給我就給我說是這種的台北 鳳梨酥有多么的 好吃,有多么的美味,我出于好奇當時就是拿出來 嘗了一個,嘿,還真不錯,味道非常的美,而且口感也很特別,吃一個給我的感覺回味無窮,就好多再多吃幾個。

five star luxury hotels in berlin

Until a travel plan, but has been delayed because of work, now I can go on the trip, I intend to go to Germany to play, my friend told me that you can go to the five star luxury hotels in Berlin have a look, but I’m going to stay in the wine shop is not this, but listen to a friend tell me I’m going to check out, he has been to Germany, may be that five star luxury hotels in Berlin is very good so I want to introduce to me, although never known, but he introduced to me I think it is going to have a look. My friend said that the hotel is really good, I want to have a look right away.

taipei luxury hotels

Today my friend told me that in a few days he will go abroad, we are particularly reluctant to him, so want to when poly will give him off, he felt it, going abroad for a long time not see, a good mad just before you go. I and other friends to discuss the location of the party in Taipei luxury hotels, at the time when we graduated from Taipei luxury in the carnival is hotels, now that I think about it for a long time have not been to, to say that we the beginning school up to now have not lost contact, really not easy, I also have other some of my friends for a long time no contact, so now he must go we have special feeling.



Taipei four star

One of my friends in the hotel work, before being transferred to Taiwan, in about Taipei four star Taipei is a four-star hotel, dedicated to recommend Taipei four Stars Hotel. They also have a Taipei four star site, there are a lot of Taipei good four Stars Hotel, I also in the above read, Taipei four star on top of the hotel is really very good, very envious friend can work in such a luxurious hotel, although the four star, but looks with five star nothing to stop, if I can go to Taiwan, from the Taipei four star Select Hotel, maybe there will be a lot of preferential, Hei hei.

新竹 酒店

爸爸是一名國企的職工,這段時間他們單位組織老員工出游,而且可以帶家屬一起,爸爸說我剛好放假就問我願意去嗎,我肯定是不會推辭的,我最喜歡的事就是旅遊了,可以見識好多自己在當地見不到的東西,那種感覺真的挺不錯的,媽媽幫我倆準備東西,在爸爸旁邊也是一陳叮囑,我看媽媽這么不放心就說要不和我們一起去吧,可媽媽聽了后又說自己還要上班就算了,我問爸爸我們去三天時間,住在哪里,爸爸說公司提前都訂了好酒店名叫新竹 酒店,到時候和其他同事一起在新竹 酒店匯合就行。



