

Ximending accommodation

Go home at night just to finish my husband is going away for a few days to go to Taipei next week, will help my husband ordered a Ximending accommodation, and can’t stop to me that is the Ximending accommodation how good, when in fact I had known the last time I husband their company to travel all of them is in the Ximending Accommodation Accommodation a few days, the husband just travel back is often said to me is their Ximending accommodation well, good environment, convenient traffic and a class of this hearing, I was going on a business trip to Taipei a few days didn’t check with me to subscribe to a Ximending accommodation I think husband so promising, that the Ximending accommodation will be good.

京都 住宿

週末和同學們一起去京都玩了,因為我們下午去的有點晚了,晚上我們就一起在京都 住宿了,我們把京都 住宿安排好了之后就一起出去逛夜市了,沒想到京都的夜市比我們那里的要好玩的多了,有好多之前沒有囑過的東西呢,晚上我們幾個都給吃撐了呢,回去睡的時候都說吃的太多了,有點睡不著就一起又玩了一會,後來都累了就各自回房間休息了,第二天我們還都早早的起來了,又去逛了好多地方,下午天快黑了我們才準備回家,這次去京都玩真是太高興了



hk web design

The company has moved several times, but our company website address above still before, and many places are not particularly perfect, to want to change it, that friend introduced to me said is the HK web designa is very good, so I want to find the HK web designa give us the company to redesign a website is good, the new year is a new start, do start from the site, and that day I watched a HK web designa their company website do particularly well, every detail is very well done very perfect, so our company’s Web site to pay give them I am assured.

台湾 凤梨酥

我一直都很喜欢吃甜品和糕点,基本上每天都要吃一点甜的东西才行。上次朋友从台湾带回来的台湾 凤梨酥实在是太好吃了,在这边都吃不到那么正宗的味道。记得很小的时候吃过一次台湾 凤梨酥,那时候觉得实在是太好吃了。为什么我们这边没有这么好吃的台湾 凤梨酥呢。或说回来,台湾的甜品和糕点是真的很美味,制作的工艺也是非常讲究,所以能有那么好吃的台湾 凤梨酥,什么时候有机会我也要去台湾吃正宗的台湾 凤梨酥,一定要带很多回来。



Taipei four star

These days the Chinese New Year holiday, my friends call me, saying is let me in 2015 January two to the Taipei four star at her with her husband’s wedding, I heard that good ah! We just this help students also have long time no see, while she can get married this happy day we could talk about it, because now we have our own life, so usually also have little time to meet, so I also specially to Wang Xiaoya took some special vegetables in our home, because I remember the last time she came to our home will not stop speaking is my mother cooked especially delicious, so after I gave her packed to morning go to Taipei four star wedding take it to her, let her also try my mother new do pickles.

東京 住宿

·我來到東京旅遊,可是由於自己不會日語,而且還對這裡不熟悉,所以也不知道往哪裡住合適,於是一個好心的日本人,他剛好也會漢語,所以就給我推薦東京 住宿,因為我自己又不熟悉路,所以他就直接把我帶到東京 住宿了,我到了這裡之後,發現東京 住宿還是比較便宜的,是在我能夠接受的價錢範圍之內呢,到了我的房間之後,我就去先洗了一個澡,因為已經好幾天沒有洗澡了,等洗完澡 之後我就下樓去吃日本料理呢,在這裡吃日本料理味道絕對的好啊!

